201 N Charles Street, Suite 1104 | Baltimore, MD 21201 | 410.685.6589
Homeless Youth Initiative
Youth and young adults across Maryland struggle with housing instability and homelessness, often without supportive connections to family or other adults. Every young person should have safe, stable housing, support from caring adults, and opportunities to pursue their goals and dreams. HPRP’s Homeless Youth Initiative is working to end youth homelessness through:
Community-based outreach to meet youth where they are
Free legal assistance to promote housing and economic stability
"Know your rights" education to empower youth
Systemic advocacy to address root causes of youth homelessness
Centering racial and TLGBQIA+ equity
Meaningful, paid youth collaboration and leadership activities because youth are the most important experts and leaders in the movement to end youth homelessness!
If you are 25 or younger and unhoused or in an unstable housing situation, HYI offers legal assistance in the following areas:
Housing – private landlord-tenant issues and subsidized housing programs
Public benefits – Department of Social Services programs including TCA, SNAP, TDAP, and more
Criminal record expungement
Name and gender marker changes
If you are seeking assistance with tuition waivers,
Request legal assistance by calling HPRP’s main office line at 410-685-6589 or by attending one of our regularly scheduled legal clinics in Baltimore City:
Baltimore Safe Haven Drop-In Center – Biweekly on Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m.
Eastside Youth Opportunity (YO) Center – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 12:30-3:30 p.m. (must be enrolled at YO to attend)
Westside Youth Opportunity (YO) Center – 2nd & 4th Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (must be enrolled at YO to attend)
TLGBQIA+ youth and young adults are welcome!
Follow HYI on Instagram @hprpyouthjustice